Drink green tea
The tannins found in tea may help lower cholesterol naturally, with several studies showing that green tea is particularly effective. In 2011, a US study found that when taken in the form of a drink or capsule, green tea helps to reduce LDL cholesterol – known as the "bad cholesterol". The results, which were published in the Journal Of The American Dietetic Association, found that green tea reduced LDL cholesterol levels by up to five or six points more than other treatments. Compounds found in green tea called catechins are thought to decrease cholesterol absorption in the gut.
Eat more beans
Beans can help lower your cholesterol levels by up to six per cent, according to a study from Arizona State University Polytechnic in the US. Participants in the study ate half a cup of baked beans every day for eight weeks. Researchers say it's possible the plant fibre in the beans may help to reduce cholesterol absorption. They believe a diet that incorporates a variety of beans might be as productive as taking a statin (the primary class of cholesterol-lowering medication). To help lower your cholesterol naturally, add black, pinto or kidney beans to your diet.